The Red Hedgehog is a small independent venue, not a pub.  The back gallery space is set up for socialising after shows, which gives you a chance not only to greet friends, but network and talk to important guests in an attractive, calm environment after every show.

We don’t have one fixed rate
We offer a range of deals from straight hires to discounted rates for full payment upfront, to deals customised to your needs.

If you are confident of attracting a good-sized audience, you could try our
Audience Incentive Scheme
where you can end up hiring the space for only £500 per week if you can get the numbers in.  (You take the box office)

We offer cheap Bar Deal Hires where you pay less to hire upfront, but tickets include the price of a (reasonably priced) drink.

Flexible Scheduling

You DON’T need to play whole weeks – and we don’t insist on 3-week slots.  
Tell us about your project, your theatre company’s vision and what kind of budget you’ve got - and we’ll try hard to make it work for you.


Please email in the first instance, with an outline of your project, the size of cast, running time and dates you are looking for.  Please include your mobile.

venuehire @
(excluding the spaces)